“Dear” You

“Dear” Letters List

Me, Myself & Her
2 min readFeb 23, 2024
Photo by Konrad Weber on Unsplash

Dear You,

If someone had taken an oath at midnight that we wouldn’t be friends in the future, I would have argued even though I knew deep down that I’m like the ocean waves, unpredictable and destined to meander — while you’re like a mountain bound to the ground.

I am water, unable to stay in one place. My essence is fluid, so there’s no one way to be. Much like waves, I take whatever shape handed to me, and in that gift, there’s a beauty that dances in every ripple and a danger that lurks beneath the surface.

Like Water, I embody the semblance of peace in a lake and the rage of a roaring storm.

You, on the other hand, are hard and bound as a rock. Unyielding and anchored. Like a Mountain, there’s a strength in those rugged peaks. Yet, it also carries an unwavering burden, resisting the ebb and flow of life’s currents.

Water goes, it’s her destiny and Mountain stays, it’s his.

Life unfolds in strange ways, and sometimes journeys come to an end; ours is simply that. Our intertwined journey is nearing the end track, and now I feel like we were merely passersby on each other’s story, a bittersweet footnote in our books. It’s like sipping on the last drop of honey — intense and leaving a lingering taste of what was.

As I hold back the waves of emotions, I realize that letting go is the only way. In the inadequacy of my words, I find the depth in our shared silence. It hurts to admit, but our friendship once vibrant like fireflies, now echoes with the aura of moths.

Your old friend,




Me, Myself & Her

I think about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, here are glimpses of those thoughts...